Concert Choir

CONCERT CHOIR A/B                                                                                                                                                                       

Previous choral/music experience suggested, but not required, and an audition by the Director.                          

Fulfills the fine arts requirement for graduation as well as the UC/CSU Fine arts requirement.This is Saugus’s most advanced and highly competitive vocal ensemble. Advanced music is performed by this group, both accompanied and a cappella. Students will sing various genres, languages and periods in history with particular focus on classical choral music. Students perform extensively throughout the year at festivals, concerts and in the community. Advanced music theory and musicianship will be covered in this class. Previous music experience is desired, but not required. Students in this course tour in the spring. This is a year-long course.

Concert Choir Members:

Rep: Samantha Allen

Assistant Rep- Sara Panameno

Taylor Mortensen 10

Sara Panameno 11

*Sydney Tran 12

Taylor McDougle 12

Tay Lopez 12

Holly Van Puyvelde 11

Divya Singh 9  

Yoyo Chan 12

Ivy Motschenbacher 10

Kingsley Perez 9

*Sam Allen 12

Riah Zimmerman 11

Gen Garvida 11

Grace Habeger 12

Amber Munoz 10

Keona O’Rourke 12

Mia Castagna 9

Madi Kasahara 9

Greta Marcellin 12

Diego Gonzalez 12

Laine Prewitt 10

*Zaide Rihani 11

Everett Nee 9

Jackson Roth 12

Diego Argumendo 11

Sebastian Nino-Oviedo 11

*Clinton Castalda 11

Gavin Johnson 11

Will Wofford 12

Ethan Dionisio 11

Vranko Alvarenga 9

Ryan Alikhanian 12

Hunter Habeger 12

*Denotes Section Leader