Treble Ensemble


CHORUS ALTO/SOPRANO A/B (Treble Choir)                                                                     

Anyone can register for Treble Choir, an audition will follow for voice part placement. 

Fulfills the fine arts requirement for graduation as well as the UC/CSU Fine arts requirement.    

This is an introductory choral class for treble voices (unchanged, or alto and soprano voices) and the entry level choir class. Students must audition for the director for adequate vocal placement. Students may enter the class at the beginning of the school year or at the semester.  Music of various genres, languages and periods in history will be performed.  Emphasis is on vocal development and style with focus on proper vocal production, breathing and posture.  Music theory and musicianship will be included in the curriculum, but previous knowledge is not required.  Students perform classical repertoire as well as pop music and modern art songs. Students perform at concerts, festivals and in the community.

Treble Ensemble Members:

Rep: Sara Olguin

Assistant Rep: Laine Prewitt

Miya Cachon 12

Tay Lopez 12

Rylee Boisel 12

Eman Younes 11

Bri Sutton 11

Emerson Rooney 10

Lina Tannous 10

Laine Prewitt 10

Brooke Nowlin 10

Callah Gilbertson 10

Scarlett Hollinger 10

Jackie Cory 10

Sara Olguin 11

Sharon Jun 9

Reagan Carville 9

Alannah Marroquin 9

Zion Arnold 12